"I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things in life which are the real ones after all. " Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Sunday, August 12, 2012


My mother in law is very unwell at the moment and so we've been flat out for the last week or so dealing with this. We've not been at home so blogging has taken a back seat to everything. Will pop back in again soon.

Tuesday, August 7, 2012


Just a quick share today. Take a look at these gorgeous cupcakes. They were made by my daughter-in-law's Nana and are by far my most favourite of all cupcakes. I'm not a big fan of cake but these I could eat until the cows come home. :) They are an amazing mix of (I think) white chocolate, pistachios and Turkish Delight. I'm sure there's much more to them than that - all I know is they are the best cupcakes I have ever tasted without a doubt!!! My dear new daughter-in-law delivered them the other day but I'm sorry I'm just not going to share! I'll put half in the freezer so I have to pace myself - yeah right - I'm really going to do that!

                                              Hail Pauline - cupcake maker extraordinaire!!!!!

Saturday, August 4, 2012


Do you ever have one of those days? Of course you do - everyone does. In the midst of the daily routine I started the big clean out of cupboards in my office and just felt overwhelmed for a while. So much stuff!

Magazines to go through, research looked over and catalogued, photos and memorabilia to be sorted, everything out of the cupboard and onto the floor and desk. Mark had finished the painting and I was out when he went to put everything back into the room. I had said to him to just toss it all in anywhere and I would sort it out after the wedding. He definitely took me at my word!! lol.
I can't concentrate surrounded by clutter so it had to be done!

I just got it finished when Kim came home. We caught up and then my friend Debbie dropped in. We had a lovely visit sitting on the deck in the winter sun. I so love her company.The guys came home after a vintage motorbike run, Kim left again, Deb went home, Mark went to work and Jord to his mates place. It's all quiet now and it's getting chilly as the night closes in. I'll have an easy dinner and then settle down with my book. It's been a fruitful day - not only by cleaning out cupboards and the usual day-to day chores but by being able to spend time with people I love. I think content is what I'm feeling right about now. :)