I'm able to load some of the photos I'd taken to go with the previous post. :) The vegie stock and quick fruit cake mentioned are here as well as one of a little visitor we had a few months ago. He spent a few days with us before moving on. Hopefully he'll drop in again.
It was lovely to watch the sun rise on this brisk autumn morning. It doesn't matter what the time of year there's always something to enjoy and appreciate. That got me thinking about how different we all are and how enjoyment varies from person to person. We love the peace and quiet of where we live. The wildlife, the scenery and generally just living a simple life that's very focused on enjoying each day. However some people find their peace and enjoyment in the middle of a busy city or by the ocean or a lake. We can find a quietness of spirit in the most unusual places; it all depends on our individuality. None is better than another. We have this perception in society that "different" is wrong or somehow not good enough. Different is just different. In it's most simplest form the definition of "different" is unalike or dissimilar.
I personally love the city; I love the vibrancy, the easy access to whatever I need or want. I think Sydney and London are two of the most fabulous cities around and yet the quietness of the countryside is what I need to live a truly authentic life.
I think wherever you live or whatever life you have chosen for yourself if you see each day as an adventure and something to be really appreciated you can't go far wrong. :)
Vegie stock brewing.
Finished product; a freezer full of yummy, fresh additive free stock.
Our little visitor.