Mum was, above all things, a gentle woman; and though living as she did through the not-so-gentle times of a war, the depression and some very difficult years after, she stayed that way all her life. The reminiscing makes me think of quieter times, a sweeter time, a time of linen and lace tablecloths, pretty tea-cups and sponge cakes on a fancy cake stand.. Of sitting on the verandah watching the world go by just enjoying "a lovely cup of tea". A rouge (blush) compact with flowers on the top. I remember the stories Mum told me of her childhood, so far removed from my own experience. A horse and cart ride to church on a Sunday, picking veges for dinner, huge Sunday roasts with all the extended family (and trying not to squirm under the baleful stare of the nasty granny.)
Am I wearing rose-coloured glasses? :) Of course. The people of past eras worked incredibly hard but they did know the value of many things society doesn't much value anymore. Like family, respect for others, community, time to wind down. In todays rush and tear world where so many complain about a lack of time/money/peace we can have these times again, if we want them. The world won't tilt off its axis if you don't rush about like a mad march hare or if you're five minutes late because of traffic. You can create your own gentle, sweeter time right where you are. It's a choice; simply a choice.
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