** You know I find it difficult sometimes to give a name to my jottings as they always seem so random; just bits and pieces of our life. Doesn't matter; perhaps I'll be inspired as I write. :) or not.
As usual I have some catching up to do to keep you up to date with whats going on here.
Mark and I have done as much as we can to the folly area, cutting down non-natives trees (a couple have survived the cull - not sure yet if we want to keep them) and clearing the path to and the area around the actual folly. Interestingly a neighbour informed us the original owner fancied herself a witch and built the area for - well I'm not sure what. As much as I love dry-stone walls its being removed and we will use some of the really large stones on the property to form a ringed seating area. We disturbed a red-belly in the wall the other day; Mark and the dog had been sitting exactly over where the snake later emerged. He was a bit slow and sleepy and cranky at being woken up I'd say. And that was just Mark. hahahaha.

We hired a landscaping person to clear most of the rocks from various areas; the folly, out on the front fence-line; and another ring around some trees and down the back. He was only here for an hour and his bob-cat had an electrical fault and that was that. The auto-electrician was here that afternoon but has had to send for a part so the bob-cat is languishing under some trees! Hopefully it will be fixed in the next day or two and then he'll move the rocks we've marked and place them in position. Some of them are quite large but no-one seemed very keen on my idea of an Aussie Stonehenge; so ringed seating area it is.
Dead Bob-Cat. |
A few of the girls came out for lunch last week and it was just lovely. The weather was perfect and after lunch we sat on the deck and just enjoyed one the few remaining warm sunny days left before winter hits. Was able to send them home with little packs of lavender biscuits I'd made. I don't know what the girls thought (I think they're too polite to comment lol) but I didn't like them. I followed the recipe but it seemed too much lavender to me, they tasted a bit bitter, so I'll give them another go......oh yes in my new stove!!!! Yes got a new stove. YAY. Back to the weather report......... The nights have been a little cool but we haven't had the fire or air-con on for a few days now. For my o.s. friends and family the days are still around 20-23c; practically a heat-wave Valdine! lol.
Next Saturday we're off to Purple Pear Organic Farm again. This is the last of the day classes we signed up for though I saw a leaflet for a class for making sour-dough bread. I luuurrrrve sour-dough bread so that might be another thing to try.
Jordan's barrumundi was brilliant. He seasoned it with the Cajun spice and white wine and I'm not sure what else; whatever it was it was so good.
Happy Birthday to my sister, her husband and my nephew - all in May. :) :) :)
Mark has started painting the house. We FINALLY picked a colour. Its a pale grey. I love pale colours so I can go mad with accent colours. I'm off to sit in the sun and read. lol - yes that does sound terribly slack. I have to read a book and write a review ( Single and Free - Female Migration to Australia 1833-1837) for the course I'm doing and besides Mark doesn't like me helping him paint. :( He says I'm the only person he knows who can walk past a closed paint tin and still get covered in it. Humph - slight exaggeration Markie boy! :)
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