"I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things in life which are the real ones after all. " Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Thursday, August 15, 2013

Special People.

I took myself off to the shops today to buy clothes - a rare enough occurrence. I thought it would be rather nice to have a new outfit as its my birthday at the weekend and I'm being taken out for a meal. I have to really be in the mood for shopping and the mood doesn't strike very often. :)

Whilst out, I wandered into a gift shop and spotted some lovely things. Isn't it nice to browse around gorgeous bits and pieces? I decided to treat myself and when I took my items to the counter the lady asked if I would like them gift-wrapped. Quick as a flash I said "yes, thank you,  that would be lovely." As she was wrapping them she commented that they must be for someone special and I said yes they are............ me! Hahaha, her face was a picture. I assured her I would be very spoilt by my family for my birthday but that not enough people saw themselves as special; we often did nice things for others but not for ourselves. She had what is commonly called these days an "aha moment". She said what a wonderful idea, called the other lass over and told her and then said with a big grin on her face " You're right. I'm special too and I'm going to do this every year for myself."

How do you see yourself? Do you see yourself as special - special enough for gift-wrapping? :)  Are you uncomfortable with believing you are that special? Don't be! Oh yes, I know there will always be those, who in that lovely Australian vernacular, will rush in with the comment " oh boy that person is up themselves!" How sad! There is a big difference between appreciating yourself for the unique creation you are and being arrogant or conceited. The very sad truth is the type of person who makes that comment usually dislikes themselves and that's reflected in their negative comments. 

We're all amazingly, talented people of such promise why would we choose to see ourselves as anything else? So give yourself a gift and gift-wrap it if you want - you deserve it!!! :)

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