"I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things in life which are the real ones after all. " Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Wednesday, July 1, 2015

My Friends.

Well the fire is blazing after a slow start so it's very snug in here. We had a bonfire down the backyard a few weeks ago to get rid of some of the tree branches that had come down in the massive storm of a few months ago. That was warm too lol - well for a few hours.

We're having sticky pork chops and veggies for dinner with the last of the pear pie for desert.

 We're getting a few things done about the place so it's been a bit of a juggle with contractors coming and going. This week there's a new shower screen in the ensuite and the kitchen man is coming tomorrow for the final measure up. I can't wait to have a new kitchen - I may never leave it. :) I have my new stove sitting in the study waiting to be put in and fired up.

Today I've been telling one of my friends about the new things that are happening here and she's as excited as I am. Don't you love it when you have friends who are just "there"?  In good times or bad, loving you, supporting you, laughing with you, crying with you, putting up with you lol and allowing you to be there for them in turn.

I stopped and really thought about my friends today after that chat. I think its wisdom to remember often why you love and appreciate them so as not to take them for granted. How easy it to not appreciate what you have and it's the one thing that Mark and I very adamant about - taking time in each day to be mindful of the many blessings in our life. My close friends are a pretty big one. They are part of my family. A few have known me for around 30 years, my oldest for over 40. One girl (yes we're still "girls") has been in my life for around 9 years and knows me probably better than some. Each are different types of people but each have such amazing qualities!

Where does one start? Kind, caring, honest, brilliantly wacky senses of humour. Intelligent and did I mention a wacky sense of humour?? :) They are part of my life and my family. I can depend on them and they on me. We can be silly, crazy, up or down - in other words we can be ourselves with each other. That is a very secure place to be.

The definition of a family is no longer restricted by DNA but encompasses those who are a positive influence in your life. My close friends and I have relationships brought about by mutual respect and caring. The Japanese word "kenzoku" literally means "family" but sometimes a bond between unrelated people transcends mere friendship and infers "kenzoku". I'm very grateful for that. :)

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