"I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things in life which are the real ones after all. " Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Another Year in Paradise.

A new year and half way through January already. Did you make any "revolutions" for this year? lol - an old school friend and I use to call them revolutions because we figured if we actually carried them through it would revolutionise our lives! Soph passed away just before Christmas after a long illness; and  her passing made all of us who were privileged enough to have known her jump into the new year with renewed vigour and a smile of anticipation for what is around the corner. Her love for life and it's far -too-soon ending made for quiet reflection. I know that in midst of difficult times of course its very hard to see past it or believe things will get better; but you know really, it's just practise. Practising being grateful for what you have, appreciating those around you who bring you joy, acquiring knowledge and character rather than things. To live life to the fullest simply and with purpose, with joy and love, to pay forward the amazing blessings we have - that is our revolution. :)


This heat is crazy! It's a bit all over the place here at the moment. The veggie garden has its tongue hanging out, my poor little chookies are struggling. Some horrid creature ate my lovely tomatoes and has moved onto the red chillies. He only ate the fully ripe ones. Just nibbled the top and moved on to the next one. ha - one can only hope the pain in its belly is punishment enough for him not to return!

Trying to keep the water up to the fruit trees and gardens is never-ending. Even the native birds are struggling in temps sometimes getting past 40c. I fill two birdbaths each morning to give them water but by lunch time they could probably make a cup of tea out of it. We've put shade cloth over the four main raised beds and that's saving them a bit but we just have to make the best of it. We haven't seen a fire near here so far so we have been so much more lucky than so many others in this fair land in recent weeks.

The herb garden seems to be coping ok; though my new stevia plant is looking a bit second-hand. I have some chillies (the ones that haven't been nibbled on)  drying on the back deck. Once they are fully dried I'll wizz them up and make chilli flakes for the spice rack. I was able to pick some cues, green striped tomatoes (can't remember their name), beans, capsicum, potatoes and strawberries. Even the girls gave me 3 eggs - little troopers!