"I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things in life which are the real ones after all. " Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What a Day.

Well what a morning! I was to go to lunch with some friends today but had to miss out because of a mishap with the car. Its been raining cats and dogs and our driveway leaves a lot to be desired so when there was a break in the weather I thought I'd run out and put the car out of the garage and up near the road ready to go. Unfortunately I got bogged; couldn't move forward or backwards! Was not happy!!!! Muttered quite a bit under my breath but that didn't help either. One of my sons was on a day off today and has been here trying to get it out. No luck. (and he muttered a lot more than me!) We need a 4WD with a snatch strap he tells me; whatever that is. Oh well I guess the new driveway has just moved up the priority list.

 I was very disappointed not to be able to catch up with my friends but the day has since given me time to muse on a couple of things that I may not have had the chance to experience.. A friend who doesn't know the other group rang me just before lunch in the middle of all of this and when she heard the story offered to come and get me, drop me at lunch, pick me up after, then drop me back home. I live 35 minutes from this particular girl! She and I did a welfare course together years ago and her kind and giving nature was very evident back then. She really made my day. I declined though; I was feeling rather miserable until she rang - her offer was blessing enough.

And though my son was unable to get the car out I got to spend some time with him that I sorely miss because he no longer lives with us.

When all was quiet I wandered down to see how the chooks were faring in the wet weather and to collect any eggs. This was a lovely surprise!

Quite a feat for one of the little ladies, I would think.

To top it off one of the books I'd ordered arrived. Grow Your Own Drugs by James Wong. Woo hoo. Love this guys recipes.

The kindness of a friend and taking pleasure in the small things; these are the things this day has brought me. And I'm very glad I didn't miss them.

All in all what looked like a disappointing day for a number of reasons turned out quite nicely thank you.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Our New Girls.

Finally, yesterday, the new girls arrived. Cackles (my little favourite) went into a tail-spin though and hid behind behind a tree, clucking away softly to herself. Reminded me of  one of my kids when they were little; you know when they put their hands over their own eyes and say "you can't see me". Lala (a.k.a. the Mad One) strutted up to the newcomers, made an awful sound and pecked one on the head. And promptly got a peck back for her troubles. lol. There were 3 eggs this morning; not sure who the malingerer is. I wander down every now and again to see what's happening and they seem to be settling in o.k. Cackles appears to be coping as long as Lala isn't too far way but I think the new ones have the measure of the mad one. It will be interesting watching the "pecking order" emerge. I have a feeling things are going to change a little in the hen-house!

Took some time out to visit a local market with a friend yesterday morning. It was just the loveliest time with Deb who has been a friend for around 20 years. It was hot and sticky but we killed a couple of hours there without even realising. I was going to take some photos but completely forgot and maybe people wouldn't be all that happy to be snapped by a stranger. :)  I got some new DVDs still in the placcy for $5 each. They were murder mysteries from the books of one of my favourite authors, Mary Higgins Clark. Score! Some lovely cherries; (broke my own rule - I don't buy them until right on Christmas) and an ice block for the ride home. Nothing hugely exciting as far as purchases go I suppose, but it was a lovely morning.

Just popped the quiche for dinner in the oven and am thinking about my plans for tomorrow. Time to fill the cookie barrel, the Christmas gift cooking will be started, buns for the day instead of bread. Hopefully the front garden will be be dug early in the morning in case it gets too hot. I've found in the overgrown corner of the property the remainder of a garden and a whole bunch of agapanthus. I'll be liberating those and if get a chance its off to the nursery for some gardenias I think. I'm pining for my vege garden :) but one thing at a time. Every day I look around and it just makes me so happy to know that this is our home now. Everything comes at price I know, but this has been worth the cost :).

Thursday, November 25, 2010


We did it ...almost. We were at the shops before they opened and gone by 11.30. I've still got a couple of pressies to buy but the majority are going to be wrapped this afternoon, ready for under the tree......which will be going up in a few days  :) I must begrudgingly admit to not minding shopping toooo much if its for Christmas or birthday presents; I really enjoy spoiling those closest. I have to shop with a list though as it gives me a place to start at least. I don't always stick to it and can be easily swayed in the right store  (Typo is a new favourite of mine at the moment) so I have to try to be focussed.

I picked up a great dvd at the ABC shop. Its called "Grow your own Drugs". No of course its not what you were thinking - its home remedies from plants. I use to watch it on pay tv and really miss those shows. I spotted it and asked Mark to pop it in my Christmas stocking but sweet-talked it from him to watch this week-end.

I bought a whole bunch of  ingredients to do some present cooking but honestly its just too hot. Yes, I could put the air-condioner on; hhhhmmm so in retrospect I guess its just I can't be bothered.

Mark is fiddling about with the spa and it will be filled ready to go later this afternoon. The cooking can wait.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Christmas planning.

 Whew warm one today. The sprinkler is working well from the new pipes; it gets a nice little wiggle up when it starts. We're still getting use to having a septic system; there's only certain products you can use. It does make you aware of what's actually going into our water systems though and that's a good thing.

Bonnie desperately needed a bath so was bathed outside in the wheelbarrow this morning as we just weren't sure if her shampoos were septic friendly.

A little embarrassed initially, but I think overall she handled being exposed to the world quite well. Such decorum. As you can see she's looking quite cheerful and relaxed! :)

A busy day planned tomorrow. A trip to the shopping centre for Christmas present shopping. I want to be there on opening and leave at lunch-time! I'm extremely focused when I shop; mainly because I dislike it so much. :) The tree is now, though still in the box, sitting in the lounge room. The numerous boxes of decorations, wrapping paper and center-pieces are waiting to be opened and the satisfying job of "choosing" begins. I am unashamedly crazy about Christmas! Working out the menu, the colour theme. Each year I do a different center-piece for the table. This year I've decided to put those mini tassels around the serviettes. If I have time I'll make them, the lovely French style ones with little beads etc; its the sort of thing you can do at night when the day is over. I'm not that keen on bling, though Christmas time is a time when a little bling can be acceptable I guess; tinsel being what it is.

Will be making some presents again this year, food ones only. I don't have the time or energy (or expertise for that matter) to make craft things but more power to those who do. I love to get home-made stuff; be it food or anything really. I love the spicy maple pecans I make and I have to be very stern with myself so I don't scoff them all when I'm making them for friends. I think I'll make them in bulk this year. :)

Saturday, November 20, 2010

The Sewer Man Cometh!

Tomorrow the sewer man comes!!!! We've been waiting 3 weeks but tomorrow is the day! Why am I so excited about this? Fair question really. We are having our envirocycle hoses and sprays moved and put underground. At the present time the treated water is pumped through hoses that run across the property but laws have changed and the pipes need to be underground so we can, within reason, choose where we want it to go. That makes it so much easier to plan where our little orchard will go as well as the vege gardens. We've had to wait until he came before we could go ahead and plant. Obviously I don't want the sprays anywhere near my fruit and veges but I'm thrilled at how it greens up other areas. The sewer man tells me the treated water is perfectly safe and you could drink it in a pinch. Oh for sure; like that's going to happen!
Its interesting  - not so long ago I couldn't see myself getting excited about a visit from a gentleman with sewerage experience. 

There are so many things to do but it has to be done in a considered sequence. (my husbands words) He has a point though. (dammit) When the sewer man is done (You know I think I feel just a little bit country if I keep saying "the sewer man" lol) we'll begin to put in our fruit trees and build our raised beds. Now the weather is turning and we're actually getting some nice sunny days we'll be able to get our dirt delivered without the truck sinking up to the axles. I really miss my vege garden from my previous house, especially the herbs. Oh well Rome wasn't built in a day (that is just the most stupid saying really).

Tomorrow we also get two more chickens. We bought 2, sight unseen, delivered in a box yesterday; trusting souls that we are. Both had malformed beaks, making it extremely difficult for them to eat and forage for bugs etc. Back they went this afternoon. Not happy. Poor little blighters. We thought perhaps we should keep them; we didn't think one end would necessarily hinder the other end if you get my drift; but after much consultation with Mark and Google I decided to return them. We were assured it was a dreadful mistake and the new ones will be O.K.

So all in all tomorrow will be a big day. Between chickens and V.I.S.D. (very important sewerage decisions) I think an early night is in order. :)

Thursday, November 18, 2010

A Gentler Time.

After doing heaps I curled up on the lounge this afternoon to browse through some old cookbooks and bits and pieces that belonged to my mum. The time was well-spent though some might say non-productive. I disagree. Among the recipes cut out of newspapers and magazines, and booklets that came with the new fridge and stove, is a little book with hand-written recipes she had collected from various sources. I don't remember how many she tried though I do recognise a couple of them. Some worked, some were best never to be attempted again. Lol. Looking at the oh so familiar hand-writing brings back so many memories.

Mum was, above all things, a gentle woman; and though living as she did through the not-so-gentle times of a war, the depression and some very difficult years after, she stayed that way all her life. The reminiscing makes me think of quieter times, a sweeter time, a time of linen and lace tablecloths, pretty tea-cups and sponge cakes on a fancy cake stand.. Of sitting on the verandah watching the world go by just enjoying "a lovely cup of tea". A rouge (blush) compact with flowers on the top. I  remember the stories Mum told me of her childhood, so far removed  from my own experience. A horse and cart ride to church on a Sunday, picking veges for dinner, huge Sunday roasts with all the extended family (and trying not to squirm under the baleful stare of the nasty granny.)

Am I wearing rose-coloured glasses?  :) Of course. The people of past eras worked incredibly hard but they did know the value of many things society doesn't  much value anymore. Like family, respect for others, community, time to wind down. In todays rush and tear world where so many complain about a lack of time/money/peace we can have these times again, if we want them. The world won't tilt off its axis if you don't rush about like a mad march hare or if you're five minutes late because of traffic. You can create your own gentle, sweeter time right where you are. It's a choice; simply a choice.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Sunny Days

Well who'd have thought! A tiny ball of yellow fluff by the name of Sunny just makes soooooo much noise! Kim has just become the proud surrogate mother of a 5 day old duckling. Its residing in a box in the laundry at the moment until its big enough to be housed outside. (that could be a lot quicker than first thought!) The dog wants to eat it and frankly, in the middle of the night, it didn't seem all that bad an idea. No, no just joking Kim.

Little Sunny will live with the chickens eventually and hopefully if it's a girl (we're not sure yet) we'll get some nice duck eggs to try. We pick up 2 more "girls" tomorrow. I think four will do at the moment. There seems to be an art to this chicken rearing - the new ones will be put in tomorrow night while Cackles and Lala are drowsy and dozing off. Evidently it helps the resident chooks accept the new ones. Actually I'd be pretty put out if I went to sleep and woke up to find a couple of interlopers messing about in my house and eating my food.

It seems to be a lot different to my grandfathers day- toss them in and away you go.

Good grief have just taken shortbread out of the oven. What a mess! Its my first try with the traditional unglazed mould I had sent from the U.K. Hmmm better try that one again tomorrow. :)

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Bits and Pieces.

Its so hot and sticky today! I've just been out to check the chickens and give them a little pond to paddle in. Its actually the bottom of one of my seed raising containers but it was all I could find. Chickens don't sweat so pant like dogs to cool themselves and they were panting up a storm! I did find a large shell shaped sand box in the back of the shed, discarded by the previous owners, but the girls aren't exactly Olympic standard divers yet so I figured the small container would suffice. 

It was quite cool and pleasant early this morning, sitting at the window with a nice little breeze coming in and watching the birds at the feeder we've hung up. Its quite the social gathering and being a people watcher from way back, its interesting watching the birds behave in much the same way as a heap of kids at Ronny McDonnys!

Now the rain seems to have abated somewhat we can start looking at getting some soil delivered. I'm going to have the veggies in raised beds as part of our long-term plan. I don't want to be on my hands and knees gardening in 25 years time so we'll start how we mean to finish. The goals we have and the plans we've made will, I'm sure, be changed or tweaked as we go along. That's part of the fun. The general theme though hasn't changed in the 5 or so years we've been seriously discussing all of this. We want to grow our own fruit and veggies (as organically as possible) raise chickens for eggs, keep native bees and learn old skills that can have a positive impact on our lives today. I love to cook and make as much as I can because I like to know exactly what's in my food. (Elderflower champagne is just one thing on my list of "to do's and to learn.") Some of these are things that can take years to firmly establish but by the time my husband has retired we will be as self-sufficient as we want to be.

The name of this blog says it all for us; the more simple our life the richer we feel. The curse of "affluenza" in our society is hard to ignore; I often wonder when I do venture into the crowds at the shopping centre " just how much crap can people buy?"  We  enjoy  the trappings of modern life (computers etc) and we've known the benefits of a regular, good income but having "stuff" has never brought us a huge amount of joy. My family coming for dinner beats "things" any day! 

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Good friends.

The company of friends is a thing to treasure, especially over a meal and perhaps a glass or two. I had a wonderful time today with two of my dearest friends, laughing, venting, sharing and laughing some more. We talked about all sorts of things  - movies and kids, travel and recipes, life in general. It was an easy day; you know the kind I mean; a feet up " i don't have to fuss" sort of a day.

The girls wanted the recipe from lunch so i thought i'd share it here. It's one of those you can do to taste. I don't remember where I originally got it and I've customised it to suit us. Thats the beauty of most recipes; you can make it yours with just a dash of something extra, or leave out what you're not fussy about. The desert was pure Nigella (well, with a little change or two.)

                                      MANGO AND CORIANDER SALAD. (with Chicken)
2 mangoes, peeled and chopped
2 large red chillies, seeded and chopped
1 bunch coriander, chopped
1 bunch spring onions ,chopped
baby spinach, shredded or chopped (no set amount)

Pour over juice of 2 limes and 3 t.spoons sugar.

The night before I crumbed chicken tenderloins. To serve put a bed of salad on a plate, thinly slice the  tenderloins and arrange artistically over the salad. :)

* Season the tenderloins anyway you want; I added some Outback Spirit Wild Herb salt to my cornflake crumbs.
I would show you a photo but theres none left. Lol.

                                           CARIBBEAN  CREAMS.
175g coconut yogurt
175ml double cream
1 x 15 ml tablespoon coconut rum, such as Malibu (optional)
1 banana
2 x 15ml tablespoons dark muscovado sugar.

Stir together yoghurt and cream with the Malibu and whisk until thickened.
Slice the banana and divide slices between 4 125 ml ramekins to form a layer at the bottom of each one.
Spoon the thickened yoghurt and cream filling into the ramekins equally.
Sprinkle the sugar over the mixture, cover ramekins with clingwrap and place in the fridge overnight or for the day.

* Now for the few changes I made. I used 2 bananas, vanilla yoghurt and extra Malibu. I couldn't find coconut yoghurt anywhere.The extra Malibu seemed a good option. :) Couldn't buy  muscovado sugar, used sprinkling of brown sugar and shredded coconut.


Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Things that go bump in the night.

Late last night I took the intrepid Bonnie out for her last little "walk" for the night. Just as we hit the edge of the deck there was an almighty crash from down the back of my neighbours property. Bon and I nearly keeled over! We only have one light out the back at present and its VERY dark out there. All was quiet for a moment or two, then another crash, this time from the back of our property. I scooped Bonnie up and ran like heck into the house. I had a fitful nights sleep but after mentioning it to Mark when he got home from night-shift I forgot all about it  UNTIL.............. around lunch time I was outside taking photos when I heard the self-same crash behind me. There was the largest goanna I'd ever seen in my life, up a tree and staring straight at me. It must have been 5.5 feet from nose to tip of tail! I took a photo of it but I don't know that it did it justice. I was very brave and a bit chuffed to meet some local wildlife until my daughter mentioned it was no longer there. It had gone. Where I don't know.........but two things I do know.........tomorrow we are going to the hardware store so this place will be lit up like a fairground in full swing every night! And Bon better get a damn sight quicker at the "wee" walks!

Tuesday, November 9, 2010

First month.

Well we've done it. The long awaited dream of a few acres and a much simpler lifestyle has materialised! I  loved my other house and its wonderful memories in each and every room but we had out-grown that life and it was time to move on. The last month has bought momentous change - saying goodbye to our neighbours was very difficult. They're family and as much as we will stay in touch it's not the same as chatting at the letterbox or waving to the kids walking back from school. Another of our children has moved out as well. That was a wrench. As much as I was excited for him to be doing his own thing (I remember what it was like to be in my own place when I was young!) it's the end of an era that takes a little getting use to.

The house is lovely and the gounds are perfect for what we want. The first day we found we had inherited 2 chickens and a very large black rooster. A fine looking rooster to be sure, but whose behaviour was disturbing enough to be nick-named Adolph. A visit to the local feed store was our first introduction to the intricacies of keeping chooks. Do you know how many different types of food you can get for the little blighters??? We finally bought a bag with a picture of a chicken firing an egg into the catchers mitt of another chicken waiting behind. It appealed to our sense of humour; there was nothing scientific about our choice! A few weeks down the line and Adolph has been moved on to a lovely chook lady who is partial to loud roosters. It was a marathon effort that involved a squeegie mop, extra large welding gloves, a cargo net and a box. Suffice to say I don't miss being woken at 3.30am and the girls, Cackles and Lala, are very happy in their new digs and have produced 4 eggs in 2 days.

Apart from the chickens there have been a few adjustments. I've never lived anywhere where there wasn't street lights and I just can't believe how dark it gets!!!! The first night we were here I looked out the bedroom window and literally couldn't see a thing. Very disorientating!!

And trying to remember to pick up all that we need in one go rather than "whipping up to the shops" for every little thing. Though I've found I can drive 10 minutes to a little township that has pretty well everything I need, do my shopping, go to the bank, have a chat to the postmistress and still be on my way home in the time it would have taken me to get a car park at my old shopping centre!

We can only get two channels on the T.V. Now that does definitely have its plus side, however the technician is coming next Monday - ha! It's all to do with being tucked into the side of the mountain evidently.

So, here we are. Embarking on a journey we have been preparing for and looking forward to for a few years. A life of homemade and homegrown. A gentler simpler life with all its joys and challenges. Family, friends, a glass of decent Irish whiskey and watching the cockatoos on the lawn. Woo hoo doesn't get much better than this. :-)