"I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things in life which are the real ones after all. " Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What a Day.

Well what a morning! I was to go to lunch with some friends today but had to miss out because of a mishap with the car. Its been raining cats and dogs and our driveway leaves a lot to be desired so when there was a break in the weather I thought I'd run out and put the car out of the garage and up near the road ready to go. Unfortunately I got bogged; couldn't move forward or backwards! Was not happy!!!! Muttered quite a bit under my breath but that didn't help either. One of my sons was on a day off today and has been here trying to get it out. No luck. (and he muttered a lot more than me!) We need a 4WD with a snatch strap he tells me; whatever that is. Oh well I guess the new driveway has just moved up the priority list.

 I was very disappointed not to be able to catch up with my friends but the day has since given me time to muse on a couple of things that I may not have had the chance to experience.. A friend who doesn't know the other group rang me just before lunch in the middle of all of this and when she heard the story offered to come and get me, drop me at lunch, pick me up after, then drop me back home. I live 35 minutes from this particular girl! She and I did a welfare course together years ago and her kind and giving nature was very evident back then. She really made my day. I declined though; I was feeling rather miserable until she rang - her offer was blessing enough.

And though my son was unable to get the car out I got to spend some time with him that I sorely miss because he no longer lives with us.

When all was quiet I wandered down to see how the chooks were faring in the wet weather and to collect any eggs. This was a lovely surprise!

Quite a feat for one of the little ladies, I would think.

To top it off one of the books I'd ordered arrived. Grow Your Own Drugs by James Wong. Woo hoo. Love this guys recipes.

The kindness of a friend and taking pleasure in the small things; these are the things this day has brought me. And I'm very glad I didn't miss them.

All in all what looked like a disappointing day for a number of reasons turned out quite nicely thank you.

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