"I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things in life which are the real ones after all. " Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Thursday, January 15, 2015

"Just sayin' "

I noticed a post on a forum that ended with "just sayin' ".  It was obvious they were saying something, why the need to point that out?

I've seen it written quite a few times and find it a real source of bemusement. You have just said something - did you think I missed that and so needed an explanation?
It's like they're letting you know "Yes I have strung words together to express a thought or opinion but just in case anyone missed that, I'll clarify it  by letting you all know I was  "just sayin' "

It occurred to me that it seemed to be a disclaimer; you know the kind  - someone is as rude as hell then ends their comment with "just joking." That's the disclaimer that says you have no right to be offended or annoyed because I have tacked on the disclaimer and that makes everything that has gone before it OK.
 So you're "just sayin'? " Well say the damn thing and leave it at that!!


We have a bridge near us. The road either side is two way but the bridge is only one lane. There's a give way sign at one end and for the most part people are polite and sensible. However you always get the one who ignores the sign, wants to beat you across no matter what and comes barreling toward you at breakneck speed. You of course have no option but to stop or face a head-on accident.

You wait, murmuring obscenities under your breath at the oncoming vehicle, when suddenly ..... yes there it is................. the wave. Often accompanied by a half apologetic smile "the wave"  says " I know, I know, but truly this car has a mind of its own. I saw the give way sign but I just couldn't stop. Yes I'm sorry but you noticed I waved???  Oh good, we're alright then."

Admittedly it is a bit of light entertainment whilst sitting at the end of the bridge as we try to guess if we'll get the disclaimer, the embarrassed/ aggressive glance or the "eyes front" thing where the other driver tries to ignore our presence even though he's driving right at us. :) 90% of the time it's "the wave.' Ah the disclaimer .............................. it covers a multitude of sins.


WARNING: I cannot be held responsible for the above, as apparently my chickens have learned how to type.

Image result for picture of a typing chicken

Monday, January 5, 2015

Apricot Chicken - Moroccan Style.

My pantry warranted a good decluttering and so I've been trying to use up some of the stockpile I have. This is an easy one.

Moroccan Apricot Chicken.
1 kg Chicken thighs
1 large onion
2 cloves garlic
oil for cooking
2 tablespoons Moroccan Seasoning
405 g tin apricot nectar
1 cup of Couscous

Rub chicken thighs with the spice mix, gently cook in minimal oil in frying pan until almost done. Set aside.
Cook onion and garlic, add apricot nectar, chicken and a bit more Moroccan spice. A few chilli flakes if you like it a bit spicier.
Cook slowly until chicken is cooked through and sauce has thickened.
Cook couscous as per directions on packet.
Serve chicken on a bed of couscous and spoon over sauce.
Top with chopped coriander leaves.

* You can of course add apricots but we don't like them in this dish so didn't bother.

* I didn't have any Moroccan Seasoning but had all the ingredients, so made up a batch.

* For us there was plenty of left over chicken and sauce so that got popped in the freezer for Mark for work.

Moroccan Seasoning.
5 teaspoons each of ground nutmeg, cumin, coriander
2.5 teaspoons each allspice and ground ginger
1.25 teaspoons each cayenne pepper and cinnamon

Yes - I know - there should be a photo;  but I often forget to take a photo when I'm in the kitchen. It's on the menu for the weekend so will hopefully remember to take a photo then.

Friday, January 2, 2015

Hello 2015.

Another year done and dusted. Mum was right - time does go faster the older we get!

No new revolutions (resolutions) this post. Mine are much the same most years lol. Get healthier, spend time with friends and family, learn all that I can about anything that takes my fancy, etc etc etc.

We had a wonderful Christmas - ten for lunch - and quite frankly who bothered with dinner that night! Two days later our daughter and boyfriend were back from seeing his parents and we had our second Christmas with the other kids here for dinner again. It doesn't get better than that.

A few weeks before we had a Christmas party with around 30 friends. It was a brilliant night. The house and outdoor area were decorated to within an inch of their lives lol and the tree was magical. I love Christmas and our daughter does too so we tend to go all out. Tables were set up, lights and lanterns strung, Kim organised the candy station, food was plentiful and the punch was a huge  (!!!!) success. Mark and the kids, including our wonderful daughter-in-law all pitched in to make it perfect!

Every year Kim and I have a colour theme for presents etc. lol yes I know ................ but I did tell you we love Christmas!!! Mine was brown wrapping paper and interesting bits and pieces. Below are some of the presents. Sadly the paper looks a bit insipid in the photos because it was really lovely

Shortbread was on the list to make this year and I used a traditional mold. Mrs.McCready made the absolute best shortbread in the street when I was growing up and was very generous when it came to sharing with the neighbourhood kids. I don't think mine was as good as Mrs.McCready's but it was quite nice all the same.

I hope your Christmas was full of love and laughter; and I hope the New Year is shaping up that way as well. There's so much that's good about this world - why not make that a resolution - to concentrate on the positive, be grateful for all the wonderful things in your life. Hey you woke up - that in itself is something to be happy about. :) Make this a year where your vocabulary is filled with positives and not  negatives. I know there's a lot of sadness and mayhem in the the world but maybe if we keep the positives in our sights rather than the awful stuff we might make a difference not only in our lives but in others as well. Now that's got to be good thing!

Happy 2015.