"I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things in life which are the real ones after all. " Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Thursday, November 25, 2010


We did it ...almost. We were at the shops before they opened and gone by 11.30. I've still got a couple of pressies to buy but the majority are going to be wrapped this afternoon, ready for under the tree......which will be going up in a few days  :) I must begrudgingly admit to not minding shopping toooo much if its for Christmas or birthday presents; I really enjoy spoiling those closest. I have to shop with a list though as it gives me a place to start at least. I don't always stick to it and can be easily swayed in the right store  (Typo is a new favourite of mine at the moment) so I have to try to be focussed.

I picked up a great dvd at the ABC shop. Its called "Grow your own Drugs". No of course its not what you were thinking - its home remedies from plants. I use to watch it on pay tv and really miss those shows. I spotted it and asked Mark to pop it in my Christmas stocking but sweet-talked it from him to watch this week-end.

I bought a whole bunch of  ingredients to do some present cooking but honestly its just too hot. Yes, I could put the air-condioner on; hhhhmmm so in retrospect I guess its just I can't be bothered.

Mark is fiddling about with the spa and it will be filled ready to go later this afternoon. The cooking can wait.

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