What a lovely day. After an unhurried start Mark and I took ourselves off to a nursery to browse about. We were going to have morning tea in their quirky little "plant-enclosed" cafe but it was closed due to re-building. If what I saw was the new cafe I doubt I'll frequent it much anymore. Its gone from a gorgeous eclectic style with shawls over the chairs for the patrons to use if it gets cool, cups and plates hanging off the wall and mismatched crockery to a white modern building that could (with a change of colour) be a McDonald's take-away. I really hope that wasn't it.
Didn't matter. We went to another cafe we like and had a nice relaxing morning tea. A bit of time-out with my favourite person. :)
Home again and stuck into the over-grown corner of the property. It looks like it had at one stage been quite an interesting area with a stone "fairy circle" and a path leading to it.
There has been quite a bit of planting in the past but unfortunately it had become overgrown and messy. Not to mention the hundreds of rocks strewn about. We can't get in there with the ride-on so Mark used the brush cutter and the push mower and cleaned up one area beautifully. It was slow going because of the amount of rocks but we've made a dent in it. Once its cleared we'll plant a whole bunch of grevilleas and other natives for the birds to enjoy - and we in turn get to enjoy watching them. I'd still like to keep it a little secluded so its interesting to walk through but I want to get rid of anything that's not native.
Dinner has been started and the day is winding down. Pork chops and apple sauce, hassleback potatoes with sage and Parmesan, (my potatoes - yay) pumpkin, corn, asparagus, carrots and peas. Our daughter is working but our son is here for dinner; and last night we had our other son and his partner here. There's nothing better than family and thankfully they all seem to enjoy our company as much as we enjoy theirs.
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