We're painting at the moment. The family room, kitchen and hall up that end of the house are a particularly nasty shade of green. "Quite bilious looking" as my Nana would say. To each their own - we all have different taste - but I defy many people to be thrilled by that colour. Lol; well I guess there were a couple that actually liked it; they lived here before us! We've only undercoated and I think that's all that will be done before Christmas but I can live with that.
Trying to pick colours is time-consuming too. We don't want to pick a colour just because a paint-chart tells me its the in -thing. That's why we're taking our time - rushing into it at Christmas would be crazy. We definitely don't want to do it twice in quick succession.
Mark found a snake skin this morning; another reminder to be vigilant out in the yard. It was a brown and Mark had seen one only a week or two ago so I'm hoping its the same one! I have my eyes peeled for "moving sticks" every time I go to the chook yard but I'm yet to see anything. I tend to walk loudly, thumping my feet and singing at the top of my voice so if there's anything about it probably dives for cover. lol.
Now for a couple of my "favourite things".
This is in the Blue Mountains of N.S.W. We've been there many times over the years and sill love it.
I LOVE this chair. I've always wanted one like this and when we moved here a couple of months ago Mark bought it for me so I could sit and watch the world go by.
And last but not least, our favourite place in the Southern Highlands of N.S.W. We go a couple of times every year for romantic getaways, usually in the autumn hence the gorgeous colours. Cold but stunning. :)
I see what you mean by the bilious green......I'm sure Mark will do a great job....I don't mind painting, I just hate prep & clean-up......painting I find therapeutic.......Have fun!