We had to go to our other house today. Its under offer now and among other things I was anxious to see how the potatoes were doing in my little veg garden. My son and his mate are renting the house from us until its sold but neither of them are gardeners so I was pretty sure my experimental potatoes would be dead and withered up. Experimental because I've never grown them before so I'd popped some in to see if they were a difficult thing to grow. I was told they were dead easy but you don't know until you try yourself.
We've had a small harvest when we lived there and what do you know; there was a lovely little bundle just waiting underground for me today.
There's still a lot coming on which I've left and the forecast rain should be plenty to keep them going. I don't know if the new owners are gardeners but hopefully there will be a small harvest for them when they move in. :) These are grown from organic seed potatoes in gorgeous organic soil and I only companion plant or make my own pest sprays. Where I lived my neighbours weren't vege gardeners so there were no nasties floating over the fence. That's something to remember - you can control what you do in your garden but you can't control whats carried on the wind.
My favourite recipe for potato salad is a warm potato salad with wholegrain mustard, white wine vinegar, spring onions, garlic oil and bacon rashers (YUM) but I still have a soft-spot for the store bought gluggy with boiled eggs and ham.
Theres something rather therapeutic about grubbing about in the dirt and coming up with something edible. I really enjoy the whole process of growing, harvesting then cooking.
Who'd have thought?!
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