"I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things in life which are the real ones after all. " Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

The Colour Red.

Before I get into my favourite things post for today I would ask you to take a quiet moment out of respect for my poor garlic. I lost everyone one of the little plants. I've never lost any before; perhaps the continual rain and then heat was too much for them. Anyway I'm not sure what happened  but there will be no early organic garlic from  my garden next year. :(

On to a more cheerful subject. Favourite things. I love the colour red!! Having said that I rarely wear it but I find it such a cheery colour. Its a colour for passion and I do feel passionately about so many things; maybe that's why I like it as well. This miniature rose is one my father gave me the year he died -10 years ago now - and its still doing well. Its thriving here at our new place. Dad always did like the Aussie bush. lol

I got this little plastic cup when I was 2 years old when we were on holiday in Queensland. It sits in my display hutch now but I occasionally have a cold Milo in it as I've done for most of my life. Its so thin  around the top its almost see-through. Milo has never tasted so good as when its in this little mug.

What are some of your favourite things and what memories do you treasure because of them? I really don't like clutter so I have one small area that's filled with very special things that I like to see on a daily basis. Some are expensive, one or two rare, but the majority are funny little things not worth much in a monetary sense but are irreplaceable to me. This cabinet is really a collection of memories and I took a lot of joy in setting it up here in our new home where there will be, no doubt, so many more memories made.

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