"I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things in life which are the real ones after all. " Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Sunday, December 4, 2011

Count to 10 and eat a pikelet!

What a week-end. Phew I'm glad it's over quite frankly! As the saying goes " The best laid plans.........." Don't you find there are just some days you would really hope never became the subject for the Ground Hog Day movie!!

Mark and I spent the morning in the garden; putting in some more tomatoes, capsicum, onions,and carrots; seasol-ling everything in sight and generally tidying up around the fruit trees and some other trees we planted further down the back. The heat will be upon us soon (I have it on good authority that summer will get here.) and so we fed, watered and mulched to keep them nice and healthy to withstand the crazy temperatures we get here. We companion plant  and were having a bit of a laugh as I tried to work out where to put some of the new veges. Good grief some of them are almost as prickly as human beings when it comes to who they can live happily near! I plonked some marigolds about all the gardens to ward off a few pests - hardworking little treasures that they are - and picked a big bunch of agapanthus for the family room.

The fig tree that delivered one solitary little fruit last year now has about a dozen of various sizes, some quite large, and more coming on.

The blueberry is still delivering but honestly few make it through the door. lol. I do love standing by the tree and eating a hand-full of fresh little berries; smirking at the birds. Haha - not a one for those thieving creatures this year!

The grape vines have gone mad but are a little too young to get any good fruit yet; maybe next time.

I finished up in the garden and came inside to cook whilst Mark did a few last bits and pieces. After a difficult week-end it was lovely to potter about the garden and then the kitchen. I could feel the tension ease as I got out the mixing bowls.

It's easy to get caught up in things and throw away your peace. For me just getting my hands dirty and looking with satisfaction at a job well done puts things back into perspective. Working about the kitchen makes everything a lot rosier. It's important to get your equilibrium back by doing something you enjoy.

I made some things for Mark to take to work and then just popped on some pikelets for afternoon tea. A tray  with a nice hot cuppa, some pikelets and jam (lemon juice and a dash of sugar for me - yum) and a relaxing chat on the deck.

Deep breath - ahhhhhhh - life really is O.K.

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