"I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things in life which are the real ones after all. " Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Tuesday, February 21, 2012


What a crazy few days it's been. First and most importantly Mark had a call-back from the Dr. regarding his latest blood tests; things aren't going too well at the moment; so he's off to have more tests on Friday. It's an ongoing battle just now but he's taking it all in his stride as usual.

We got a bargain on "Gumtree"- a rotary hoe. lol - yes we got one! It's a Masport Cultivator and has been in storage for a while but it started first try and we've already had a turn around an area that had been a bit compacted. Oh my gosh it goes like a train and is so easy to handle. This will make life easier so now we can get some more gardens in for things like pumpkin and watermelon etc that I don't want in raised beds. We only need it for a few bits and pieces but its a handy item to have

I'm going to buy some more fruit trees this weekend, including an advanced olive. I can't stand olives but Jord and Kim like them so I'll pop one in for them.

I'm hoping to complete my current assignment this week; so Mark and I can have some down time on his long weekend off. I was offered a job last night completely out of the blue and have said yes to it so that starts in a couple of weeks. Why on earth did I say yes?? I must be mad.

Hopefully I'll be able to post some photos of preserves this weekend; determined to get some plum sauce made too - love the stuff.

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