"I am beginning to learn that it is the sweet, simple things in life which are the real ones after all. " Laura Ingalls Wilder.

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Peace in Eden.

An interesting aside to our new lifestyle has been peoples reaction to it. A few who have known us for years are thrilled for us that we've finally been able to make the tree-change. Some think we're just a little mad at our age (oh yes we do leave a zimmer frame at the back door to use in the yard lol) and some feel sad for us because they equate our lifestyle with one of lack. That really makes us laugh because the perception couldn't be further from the truth!

We're building a lifestyle here that will - yes -take a few years to establish.; and yes it can be hard work at times; but we aren't on any "written -in - blood" schedule so we please ourselves when we start and when we stop.
We're learning new skills all the time and loving it. We've come to appreciate everything so much more - and each other for that matter.
We feel we have purpose in our lives. We have a great partnership that's creating something lasting here in our little pocket of the country. Mark works and then works again here on his days off, and I use to worry that this might be too much but he finds it exhilarating and has more energy than I'll ever have. He still has his bikes and boat whilst I study and am preparing a course outline for when I start to teach beginner classes in genealogy. He has such an inventors mind and there's nothing he can't make or fix, I'm sure. I occasionally find time to paint and set aside time to write each day. This lovely place brings out the creative side in both of us.

There is nothing we enjoy more than sitting at the end of the day and chatting about what we've accomplished that day and what we'll attempt tomorrow. It's a laid-back existence that has afforded us the chance to meet some fascinating people and learn some amazing things. We both have a thirst for knowledge so this suits perfectly.

We envy nothing of anyone. I can't think of anything that someone has that I could possibly want. (hmmm, well maybe a rotary hoe lol) Don't get me wrong, we don't live in a bubble where nothing goes wrong or tired and grumpy is a thing of the past (!) but in the main we try to be mindful that we all have a limited time span on Earth; and it's far too short to be wasted on things that don't have a positive impact on our lives.

 This sort of lifestyle is one that more and more people are choosing. People are tired of the rush and tear, the loss of time to spend with family and friends as they give it away to chase something that society says they must have. Different strokes for different folks as the saying goes - but far too often I hear from people who really aren't very happy with their life, they're bored and unchallenged.  As my daughter likes to quote "if you don't like something, change it. If you can't change it, change your attitude. Don't complain." Maya Angelou.

 There is a price to be paid whatever the life we choose and there have been adjustments for us here and compromises to be made at times. However we are happy, content, using our brains and our backs, meeting challenges and new people, finding our gifts and talents again and overall just having a good time. It doesn't get any better than that.

                                                 The gates to the secret garden are going in.

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